Check out the code below the videos
In part 4 of this Unity3D tutorial we add Enemy AI. The enemy will walk from edge to edge of a platform as long as it's alive. This sort of enemy movement can be seen in many 2D Platformer games like Mario.
Check out the videos above to hear the explanation and see the code in action
In part 4 of this Unity3D tutorial we add Enemy AI. The enemy will walk from edge to edge of a platform as long as it's alive. This sort of enemy movement can be seen in many 2D Platformer games like Mario.
Time Breakdown:
0:30 - Updating API from Unity 4.6 to Unity 5
1:45 - Setting up the enemy sprites
2:38 - Locking Layers to avoid accidentally selecting the Canvas
3:40 - Setting up the Enemy walk anim
4:38 - Begin Enemy script
6:56 - Explanation of why we need myWidth for Linecast
9:10 - Setting up isGrounded Linecast check
12:35 - Use isGrounded check to flip the enemy if he gets to an edge
15:52 - Changing move direction to be in local space to the enemy
16:45 - Adding an isBlocked check for hitting walls
17:21 - Using ExtensionMethod .toVector2() to add a Vector2 and a Vector3:
20:20 - Using myHeight to Linecast from middle left of enemy instead of bottom left corner
22:24 - Demonstration of enemy movement fully working
1:45 - Setting up the enemy sprites
2:38 - Locking Layers to avoid accidentally selecting the Canvas
3:40 - Setting up the Enemy walk anim
4:38 - Begin Enemy script
6:56 - Explanation of why we need myWidth for Linecast
9:10 - Setting up isGrounded Linecast check
12:35 - Use isGrounded check to flip the enemy if he gets to an edge
15:52 - Changing move direction to be in local space to the enemy
16:45 - Adding an isBlocked check for hitting walls
17:21 - Using ExtensionMethod .toVector2() to add a Vector2 and a Vector3:
20:20 - Using myHeight to Linecast from middle left of enemy instead of bottom left corner
22:24 - Demonstration of enemy movement fully working
Check out the videos above to hear the explanation and see the code in action
/*/ * Script by Devin Curry * * * Please like and subscribe if you found my tutorials helpful :D * Twitter: /*/ using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class Enemy : MonoBehaviour { public LayerMask enemyMask; public float speed = 1; Rigidbody2D myBody; Transform myTrans; float myWidth, myHeight; void Start () { myTrans = this.transform; myBody = this.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>(); SpriteRenderer mySprite = this.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>(); myWidth = mySprite.bounds.extents.x; myHeight = mySprite.bounds.extents.y; } void FixedUpdate () { //NOTE: This script makes use of the .toVector2() extension method. //Be sure you have the following script in your project to avoid errors // //Use this position to cast the isGrounded/isBlocked lines from Vector2 lineCastPos = myTrans.position.toVector2() - myTrans.right.toVector2() * myWidth + Vector2.up * myHeight; //Check to see if there's ground in front of us before moving forward //NOTE: Unity 4.6 and below use "- Vector2.up" instead of "+ Vector2.down" Debug.DrawLine(lineCastPos, lineCastPos + Vector2.down); bool isGrounded = Physics2D.Linecast(lineCastPos, lineCastPos + Vector2.down, enemyMask); //Check to see if there's a wall in front of us before moving forward Debug.DrawLine(lineCastPos, lineCastPos - myTrans.right.toVector2() * .05f); bool isBlocked = Physics2D.Linecast(lineCastPos, lineCastPos - myTrans.right.toVector2() * .05f, enemyMask); //If theres no ground, turn around. Or if I hit a wall, turn around if(!isGrounded || isBlocked) { Vector3 currRot = myTrans.eulerAngles; currRot.y += 180; myTrans.eulerAngles = currRot; } //Always move forward Vector2 myVel = myBody.velocity; myVel.x = -myTrans.right.x * speed; myBody.velocity = myVel; } }